Stories for KIDS...


Peter Pigchild is a very small pig. He's short for his height, light for his weight and quite young for his age. But he has a big heart and a quick mind and the imagination of a pig ten times his size. When Peter decides to see what's on the other side of the Big River, he's told that he's far too small of a pig to do something so dangerous. But with courage and creativity, Peter learns that for a tremendous spirit, crossing a big river is as simple as stepping over a puddle.

Based on characters and songs created by the author's children, this playful story will leave young listeners cheering "O-ee-o!"

Written and read by Shan McFadden
Cover art by Niki McFadden
Music by of

You can listen to this story right now by using the player to the left, or by visiting us on Soundcloud or Youtube

For Parents and Teachers

To determine if Peter Pigchild is right for your child, consider the following content
(Caution: Spoiler Alert!)

  • Peter falls in the river and is rescued by Mrs Fox, who scolds him loudly afterwards for being so careless.
  • Peter sees mysterious glowing eyes peeking at him from within the long grass on the other side of the river.
  • When he is first introduced, Peter's grandfather sings the song of the Pigchild tribe, which is inspired by Tibetan Buddhist chanting and indigenous North American throat singing. This might sound a bit eerie to younger listeners.

Topics to discuss with children:

  • Have you ever been told that you were too little to do something? How did that make you feel?
  • How else do you think that Peter could have crossed the Big River?